Change-ing the Conversation in Amerika!! | C-SPAN Black Agenda coverage.
So much is occurring all at once. At last, the conversation has been forced to the forefront. Who can stop it. It is surprising, however; that everyone thinks you can discuss, openly our agenda. The strategy developed in the former-days, by the former-right's leaders were not put in place in the "wide-open" for all too "circumvent". We need to converse seriously in secret to control-the-change.
23March2010 |

Attorneys general from Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Michigan, Utah, Pennsylvania, Alabama, South Dakota, Louisiana, Idaho, Washington and Colorado are joining in. Other GOP attorneys general may join the lawsuit later or sue separately.
The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Pensacola.
One issue at the heart of the suit is the constitutionality of the the so-called "individual mandate," which requires most Americans to have an insurance plan or else pay a federal penalty.
The Constitution gives Congress the authority "to regulate commerce." In other words, once someone engages in commerce, the government has the power to regulate that activity.
But opponents say that the "commerce clause" does not give the government power to require an individual to buy something — especially insurance for the health of one's own body.
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is taking the lead in the lawsuit.
13 GOP States file suit against healthcare
21 March 2010 | Obstacles & Ill Feelings
The Current Injusticide.

It remained nasty this weekend. Several thousand “tea-partiers” gathered on Capitol Hill on Saturday, as lawmakers met to lay down the rules for yesterday’s vote. “Born in the USA not the USSR” and “Buck Ofamacare” said their placards. A protester called representative Barney Frank, who is gay, a “faggot”. Another spat on representative Emanuel Cleaver, who is black. Two other African-American congressmen, John Lewis and André Carson, were jeered as “niggers”. “It was like a page out of a time machine,” said Carson.
Protestors fade | "Tea Party" Protestors | Daily Mail -"Congressman Jeered" | The Two Way | H.R. 4872 | Text of Healthcare Legislation | HR 3590 passed 2145-hours. Reconciliation in progress 2158-hours
What about Justice?!
Breaking: Malcolm X's Killer Paroled, is a Free Man Next Month
Thomas Hagan, the only man who ever admitted involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X, will be getting out of jail next month. Hagan was granted parole on March 3rd and is scheduled to be released on April 28th.
Hagan was convicted of shooting the civil rights leader, along with Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson. Both Johnson and Butler consistently maintained their innocence and provided alibis for the afternoon Malcolm was killed on the stage of the Audubon Ballroom, on Broadway and 165th Street, on February 21, 1965.
Protest of FOP party for reinstated officers
Carrying signs that read "So This Is Something to Celebrate?" and "Justice Really Is Blind in Philadelphia," about a dozen people demonstrated yesterday in front of the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police headquarters on Spring Garden Street.The FOP had announced that it would hold a party last night to celebrate the return to the force of eight police officers who had been fired or disciplined after a television news helicopter filmed them beating three shooting suspects in 2008.
Last week, an arbitrator ruled that the officers, who had been cleared by a grand jury, should get their jobs back or have their punishments greatly reduced.
"Our Guys Are Back!" read a flier posted on the FOP's Web site that promised an open bar, food, and music at the party. "Come out and show your support."
On a concrete island in the middle of Spring Garden, members of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Action Network, a civil-rights group led by the Rev. Al Sharpton, gathered yesterday afternoon to express outrage.
Michelle Wood waved a cardboard sign at passing rush-hour traffic.
"There's no reason to celebrate," said Wood, whose son Pete Hopkins was one of the three men kicked and punched by police. "My son was beaten almost to death."
Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey has described the events of May 5, 2008, as a black eye on the department. At the time, police were conducting a citywide manhunt for the killer of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.
Police chased Dwayne Dyches, then 24; Brian Hall, then 23; and Hopkins, then 19, from the vicinity of a Feltonville shootout that left three people injured. After a 21/2-mile pursuit, officers dragged the three men from their car. Fox29 footage of the beating made international news. Ramsey fired four officers, demoted one, and suspended three others.
At 4 p.m. yesterday, as protester Pam Africa yelled an obscenity-laden harangue into a megaphone, off-duty officers on Harley-Davidsons began to arrive for the party.
"Welcome to the nonevent of the year," said FOP president John McNesby, who described the party as nothing more than a weekly happy hour.
"We do this every Friday," McNesby said. "Just because this week we issued a flier about our members' being reinstated doesn't make this a big deal."
Chicago News Cooperative | News Analysis
A Delicate Balancing Act for the Black Agenda
Published: March 18, 2010
What a difference hard times make.
Until recently, most black discontent with the Obama administration — especially in Barack Obama’s hometown, Chicago — was largely kept in the family and out of the mainstream press, even as black business, civil rights and political leaders quietly grappled with and debated how best to support and challenge the nation’s first black president without hurting the causes of racial and economic justice.
But as the economic crisis continues to slam black America disproportionately hard, while bonuses rain down on Wall Street, the debate has spilled into the open and will get its loudest and most public hearing yet on Saturday, in a forum held just a few miles from Mr. Obama’s house in Kenwood, at Chicago State University.
Tavis Smiley, an author and talk show host and a frequent — and until recently rare — black critic of the president, is scheduled to convene a panel of civil rights leaders and scholars called “We Count: The Black Agenda Is the American Agenda.”
The discussion will be nationally televised on C-Span, and the invited panelists include Cornel West, a Princeton University professor; Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader; and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition.
“A black agenda is jobs, jobs, jobs, quality education, investment in infrastructure and strong democratic regulation of corporations,” Dr. West said. “The black agenda, at its best, looks at America from the vantage point of the least of thee and asks what’s best for all.”
During his run to the White House, voters, black and white, projected all sorts of hopes and dreams onto Mr. Obama, no matter what he said or did. When it comes to race, for example, Mr. Obama has forcefully tried to avoid the subject. The one notable exception was his now-famous speech in Philadelphia in 2008, and only then when his campaign was in peril from the fiery words of his former Chicago pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright.
Mr. Obama’s black supporters were willing to give him a pass, to give him “time to learn his way around the White House.” But too many homes have been lost to foreclosure, too many fathers have lost jobs, too many mothers are losing hope for his most loyal bloc to be happy with what many are now saying is more symbolism than substance coming from Mr. Obama’s administration in regard to black America.
“The question I hear a lot on the street is, ‘Would we have been better off with Hillary Clinton?’ ” said Hermene D. Hartman, publisher of the weekly N’Digo newspaper in Chicago.
Others, though, like Jacky Grimshaw, a senior adviser to former Mayor Harold Washington, are reading more into the timing and location of the black agenda meeting 14 months into Mr. Obama’s presidency.
“If the idea is to embarrass the president,” Ms. Grimshaw said, “this is a good way of doing it.”
Given Mr. Smiley’s vocal criticism of Mr. Obama — raising questions about the president’s effectiveness in pursuing the agenda many black voters favor — some see the meeting as a sign of a division among blacks here and across the country. On one side are those who believe Mr. Obama is doing his best under tough circumstances. On the other are those who feel let down by a perceived lack of action by Mr. Obama on behalf of black Americans. By hosting the forum in Chicago, Mr. Smiley seems to be spotlighting the discussion in a place most likely to draw national attention.
Mr. Smiley said the goal of the event was not to attack or embarrass Mr. Obama in his Chicago backyard, but to pressure other black leaders to develop and press for a black agenda, an action plan for tackling poverty, poor schools, infant mortality and an unemployment rate among blacks that is at least twice the national average.
“Black people are getting crushed,” Mr. Smiley said.
No one argues that point. But since announcing the event last month, Mr. Smiley and the Rev. Al Sharpton, one of Mr. Obama’s most vocal supporters — “Barack’s pet preacher,” as one Chicago activist put it — have conducted a sometimes heated debate on black radio about the wisdom of convening the “We Count” panel discussion.
Mr. Sharpton seems to have the numbers on his side. Support for Mr. Obama among black Americans is hovering around 90 percent in polls.
Mr. Sharpton said he would not attend the Chicago gathering. “Yes, we need a black agenda,” he said. “But the president shouldn’t be leading it. Black leaders should be.”
Herman Brewer, the acting president and chief executive of the Chicago Urban League, expects to attend, although with some trepidation.
“I think it’s O.K. if folks are critical of the president,” Mr. Brewer said. “But I wouldn’t want it to be viewed as a condemnation, a smackdown of the president. Hopefully, it can be viewed as constructive.”
Mark Allen, a longtime civil rights advocate on the South Side, said that just a couple of months ago if he had made even a mild public criticism about Mr. Obama’s not doing enough for the poor or for small businesses in the inner city, “black middle class folks would curse me out.”
The message was clear: If you are black, you just didn’t air complaints about “our homeboy,” Mr. Allen said, certainly not in public where the news media could see and hear. Doing so was seen as undermining the first black president, of giving comfort to the enemy, of betraying the race.
But these days, even in Chicago, Mr. Allen said: “It’s not as taboo anymore. You get cursed out a lot less.”
Some blacks in Chicago seem to be having a case of unrequited love.
“Barack is ignoring the black community,” said Ms. Hartman, the publisher. “There’s no communication, no reaching out, no speaking out. Every black business I know is hurting. Trickle down is not trickling down.”
Mr. Obama worked 20 years ago as a community organizer in the Altgeld Gardens public housing development on Chicago’s South Side. There, Bamani Obadele, who runs a youth program in Roseland, and Cheryl Johnson, who runs an environmental justice organization at the sprawling development, recently discussed Mr. Obama and the We Count event.
Mr. Obadele said Mr. Obama attended several antiviolence rallies that Mr. Obadele organized in the Robert Taylor Homes public housing development in the 1990s.
“He helped me carry a casket through the streets,” Mr. Obadele said, referring to an antiviolence mock funeral. “He absolutely understands the struggle of black folks. But he’s not the same Barack I knew. The Barack I knew wouldn’t bail out the banks and let the people go hungry. I think his advisers are giving him bad advice.”
Ms. Johnson said: “It’s complicated. He’s inherited a mess we haven’t experienced since the Great Depression. Let’s give him some time.”
Mr. Obadele added: “I hope we don’t end up being a national embarrassment on Saturday, fighting about the black president. I hope something positive comes out of it. But we have to do something. There’s just too much suffering out here.”